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Old State House (1713) originally the seat of British Government in America. Boston, MA. Style: Georgian. On National Register. | Old State House (1713). Boston, MA. | Clock on Old State House. Boston, MA. | Lion on Old State House. Boston, MA. |
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Unicorn on Old State House. Boston, MA. | Tower on Old State House. Boston, MA. | Old State House surrounded by towers of various times. Boston, MA. | Old State House (1747) (State St.). Boston, MA. Style: Georgian. |
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Lion, clock & unicorn atop Old State House. Boston, MA. | Southern facade of Old State House. Boston, MA. | Crowned lion carving atop Old State House. Boston, MA. | Georgian style door & balcony on southern facade of Old State House. Boston, MA. |
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Georgian windows on western facade of Old State House. Boston, MA. | Northern facade of Old State House with Custom House tower beyond. Boston, MA. |