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Overview of Jackson Square with Cabildo, St. Louis Cathedral, Presbytère & Andrew Jackson statue. New Orleans, LA. | Cabildo (1788 rebuilt 1795-99) now houses Louisiana State Museum was site of Louisiana Purchase Transfer (1803). New Orleans, LA. Architect: Gilberto Guillemard. On National Register. | Facade & cupola of Cabildo on Jackson Square. New Orleans, LA. | Enclosed balcony over front of Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. |
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Iberville Stone (1699) from Fort Maurepas, first permanent settlement in the Mississippi Valley, at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Portrait of Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, Sieur de Bienville, Father of Louisiana, painted (1907) by Rudolph Bohunek, at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Tilt top table (c1720) with scenes of bursting of "Mississippi Bubble" at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Symbolic detail of wolf devouring lamb of stock fiasco on "Mississippi Bubble" table at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. |
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Detail of Louisiana problems painted on "Mississippi Bubble" table at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Detail of Dutch investors losing investment on "Mississippi Bubble" table at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Detail of torture wheel on "Mississippi Bubble" table at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Detail of men with documents on "Mississippi Bubble" table at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. |
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Choctaw Indian elbow basket (20thC) at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Stoneware food storage jar (c1750) at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | French pottery oil jug (c1750) at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Bronze death mask of Napoleon (c1821) by Dr. Francesco Antommarchi at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. |
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Bronze death mask of Napoleon (c1821) by Dr. Francesco Antommarchi at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Miniature portrait of Emperor Napoleon (early 19thC) at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | St Helena Service Medal (1857) presented by Napoleon III to soldiers of Napoleon I at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Snuff box (19thC) with symbol of Napoleon at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. |
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Napoleon Crossing the Alps painting (c1800) by school of Jacques-Louis David at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Napoleon at Battle of Waterloo June 18, 1815 print (19thC) by Pellerin & Co. at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Print of Napoleon saying farewell at Fontainebleau before departure into exile on Elba (19thC) by Pellerin & Co. at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Portrait of Marianne Celeste Dragon (c1796) by school of Salazar, artist of Louisiana's Spanish Colonial period at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. |
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Portrait of Jean Michel Fortier III (1839) by Julien Hudson, a free black artist, at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Portrait of Marie Celina Piqueri Wiltz (1841) by Luigi Marie Sotta at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Membership badge of National Association of Mexican War Veterans (c1848) at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Louisiana Medal of Honor (1848) commemorates Zachary Taylor's Mexican victories at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. |
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Portrait of Zachary Taylor (1847) painted by William Garl Brown while Taylor on campaign in Mexico at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Portrait bust of Zachary Taylor by Roman Bronze Works at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Apothecary shop sign (c1860) at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Hoisting of American Colors over Louisiana in 1803 painted (1904) by Thure de Thulstrup at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. |
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Cotton apron souvenir of Louisiana World Exposition (Dec. 16, 1864 - May 31, 1885) at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Detail of cotton is King souvenir date April 30, 1885 at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Detailed print of buildings of Louisiana World Exposition at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Map of Louisiana Purchase Territory on souvenir of Louisiana World Exposition at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. |
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Battle of New Orleans in 1815 painted (1839) by Eugene Louis Lami at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Detail of death of British General Pakenham at Battle of New Orleans in 1815 on Lami painting at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Detail of American lines at Battle of New Orleans in 1815 on Lami painting at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Print of death of British General Pakenham at Battle of New Orleans (c1815) by Joseph Yeager at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. |
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Battle of New Orleans print (1856) by John Andrews at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Portrait of Confederate General Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard (1861) by Thomas Cantwell Healy at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Carpetbag (c1860-65) likely used by Northerner coming South after Civil War at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. |