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Mary Todd Lincoln House (1832) (574 W. Main St.) where Abraham Lincoln visited & read his father-in-law's law books. Lexington, KY. Style: Georgian. On National Register. | Plaque marks birthplace of Mary Todd Lincoln on Parker homestead dating from late 1700s. Lexington, KY. On National Register. | Parker Place (1871) (511 W Short St.) built for banker John B. Wilgus on site where Mary Todd Lincoln was born into Parker family. Lexington, KY. Style: Italian Villa. | Lexington Opera House (1886, restored 1975) (145 N Broadway). Lexington, KY. Style: Romanesque. Architect: Oscar Cobb. On National Register. |
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Lexington Opera House roof decoration. Lexington, KY. | Lexington Opera House entrance. Lexington, KY. | Victorian Square (Main & Broadway) Victorian buildings revised late 1980s. Lexington, KY. Style: Italianate. | Victorian Square shopping complex incorporates & reuses several Victorian buildings. Lexington, KY. |
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Facade of 1882 element of Victorian Square. Lexington, KY. | Victorian Square, a restored block. Lexington, KY. | Victorian Square signage. Lexington, KY. | Triangle Park by landscape architect Robert Zion. Lexington, KY. |
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Lexington Center (1970s) includes Rupp Arena, exhibition, convention center, retail & hotels. Lexington, KY. | People enjoying Triangle Park. Lexington, KY. | Triangle Center with two octagonal towers extends Victorian Square. Lexington, KY. | Lexington Financial Center Building (1988). Lexington, KY. Style: Modern. |
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Cheapside streetscape with Lexington Financial Center, Fayette Safety Vault & Trust Company & Court Square Bldgs. Lexington, KY. | Court Square, formerly Lexington City National Bank Building (1905) (259-265 W. Main St.). Lexington, KY. Architect: Richards, McCarty & Bulford. On National Register. | Fayette Safety Vault & Trust Company Building (1891) (111-113 Cheapside St.). Lexington, KY. Architect: Herman L. Rowe. On National Register. | John C. Breckinridge Memorial (1887) by Henry-Bonnard Broze Co. Lexington, KY. On National Register. |
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Old Fayette County Courthouse (1900) (E. Main & N. Upper Sts.) now Lexington History Museum. Lexington, KY. | Old Fayette County Courthouse carvings. Lexington, KY. | Old Fayette County Courthouse urn with law symbols. Lexington, KY. | Old Fayette County Courthouse fountain with children dedicated to pure water. Lexington, KY. |
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Old Fayette County Courthouse (1900) (E. Main & N. Upper Sts.) now Lexington History Museum. Lexington, KY. | John Hunt Morgan Memorial (1911) (Courthouse Lawn) by Dr. Pompeo Coppini. Lexington, KY. On National Register. | Fayette National Bank Building (1914) (167 W. Main St.). Lexington, KY. Style: Beaux arts. Architect: McKim, Mead & White. On National Register. | McAdams & Morford Building (1849) (206 W. Main St.). Lexington, KY. On National Register. |
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Odd Fellows Temple (1870) (117 W Main St.). Lexington, KY. Architect: Cincinnatus Shryock. On National Register. | Berkley-Guthrie & Watson Building (1885) (N. Upper St. opposite Courthouse). Lexington, KY. | Berkley-Guthrie & Watson Building (1885) (N. Upper St. opposite Courthouse). Lexington, KY. | Italianate office building (N. Upper & Short Sts.). Lexington, KY. |
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Neoclassical office building (Short St.). Lexington, KY. | Old Northern Bank Building (Short St.). Lexington, KY. | Old Northern Bank Building facade. Lexington, KY. | Old Northern Bank Building carvings around door. Lexington, KY. |
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184 N Mill St. with elaborate window frames. Lexington, KY. Style: Italianate. | House at 234 W 2nd St. Lexington, KY. | John Hunt Morgan Memorial (1911) (Courthouse Lawn) by Dr. Pompeo Coppini. Lexington, KY. On National Register. | John Hunt Morgan House (c1814) (201 N Mill St.) museum once home of CSA General. Lexington, KY. Style: Federalist. |
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John Hunt Morgan House front door. Lexington, KY. | House with octagonal turret (203 N Mill St., beside Hunt-Morgan House). Lexington, KY. Style: Queen Anne. | 203 N Mill St. Lexington, KY. | Henry Clay Law Office (1803) (176 N Mill St.). Lexington, KY. Style: Federalist. Architect: Stephens & Winslow. On National Register. |
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Ashland estate of Henry Clay (1852) (2 mi. SE of Lexington on Richmond Rd.). Lexington, KY. Style: Italianate. Architect: Thomas Lewinski. On National Register.  | Fanciful overhang of 500 N Broadway. Lexington, KY. | Turn of century stone & shingle house (501 N Broadway). Lexington, KY. | Neoclassical Beaux Arts front porch (507 N Broadway). Lexington, KY. |
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Brick Queen Anne style house (521 N Broadway). Lexington, KY. | Queen Anne house (416 Fayette Park). Lexington, KY. | Queen Anne style house (432 Fayette Park). Lexington, KY. | Thoroughbred Park where horse sculptures race to finish line. Lexington, KY.  |