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North Meridian Street with Bank One Tower (tallest), SBC Buildings, 300 North Meridian (brown) & Chamber of Commerce Building. Indianapolis, IN. | North Meridian Street with SBC Buildings, 300 North Meridian (brown) & Chamber of Commerce Building & Indianapolis Athletic Club. Indianapolis, IN. | Indianapolis Athletic Club (1923) (350 North Meridian St.). Indianapolis, IN. Style: Renaissance revival. Architect: Robert Frost Daggett. | Statue of Abraham Lincoln (1934) by Henry Hering in University Park. Indianapolis, IN. |
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Statue of Benjamin Harrison (1908) 23rd US & Indiana's only President by Charles Niehaus in University Park. Indianapolis, IN. | Fountain with bronze dancing children & fish in University Park. Indianapolis, IN. | Bronze cymbal player atop fountain in University Park. Indianapolis, IN. | Bronze dancing children of fountain in University Park. Indianapolis, IN. |
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Bronze fish of fountain in University Park. Indianapolis, IN. | Indiana World War Memorial in University Park. Indianapolis, IN. | Indiana World War Memorial (1929) with sculptures by Henry Hering. Indianapolis, IN. Style: Classical revival. Architect: Walker & Weeks. | Pro Patria statue at World War Memorial. Indianapolis, IN. |
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Lion with shield at World War Memorial. Indianapolis, IN. | Bronze doors of World War Memorial. Indianapolis, IN. | Steps of World War Memorial. Indianapolis, IN. | Looking over University Park to Scottish Rite Cathedral, obelisk & art museum. Indianapolis, IN. |
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Scottish Rite Cathedral (1929) (650 North Meridian St.). Indianapolis, IN. Style: Neo-gothic. Architect: George T. Schrieber. | Gothic portal of Scottish Rite Cathedral. Indianapolis, IN. | Carved stone decoration around door of Scottish Rite Cathedral. Indianapolis, IN. | Stone eagle & bound men on Scottish Rite Cathedral. Indianapolis, IN. |
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Bronze lamp stand at Scottish Rite Cathedral. Indianapolis, IN. | Church on Meridian Street. Indianapolis, IN. Style: Neo-gothic. | 1970s-style building opposite World War Memorial. Indianapolis, IN. | Former Reserve Loan Life Insurance Company (1925). Indianapolis, IN. Style: Classical revival. Architect: William Jungclaus. |