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Illinois State Capitol (1868-88). Springfield, IL. Style: Second Empire. Architect: John C. Cochrane & Alfred H. Piquenard then W.W. Boyington. On National Register. | Dome of Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Long view of Illinois State Capitol from east. Springfield, IL. | Second Empire details of Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. |
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Portico detail of Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Dome interior of Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Stained glass skylight of Illinois State Capitol dome. Springfield, IL. | Column details of Illinois State Capitol dome. Springfield, IL. |
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Railings of Illinois State Capitol dome. Springfield, IL. | Floor of Illinois State Capitol rotunda. Springfield, IL. | Bronze reliefs showing Illinois history in State Capitol dome. Springfield, IL. | Relief of soldiers at a wooden fort in Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. |
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Relief of mounted frontier soldiers charging enemy in Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Relief of American soldier meeting Indian in Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Relief of town meeting on frontier in Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Relief of Lincoln debating Douglas in Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. |
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Statue commemorating women (1893), first displayed at World's Columbian Exposition, at Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Statue of Abraham Lincoln at Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Statue of Stephen Douglas (1813-61) at Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Statue of Ulysses S. Grant at Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. |
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Staircase in Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Marble stair railing in Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Painting of George Rogers Clark making Treaty with Indians by G.A. Fuchs at Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Fuchs' painting of Treaty with Indians section of natives seated around French at Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. |
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Clark's painting of Treaty with Indians detail of native life at Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Details of stairwell corridor at Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Pattern along stairwell corridor skylight at Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Relief of horse-drawn wagon going west in Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. |
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Relief of running buffalos in Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Mural of oxen pulling plow at Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Painting of Marquette & Joliet at an Indian village on Desplains River in 1673 in Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Painting of Indians camped at Starved Rock on Illinois River in Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. |
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Painting of Fort Dearborn at mouth of Chicago River in Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Painting of New Salem, boyhood home Abe Lincoln near town of Springfield in Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Painting showing General Grant taking command of Union troops at Cairo at Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Painting of Governor Coles freeing his slaves on Ohio River in Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. |
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Painting of Transformation of the Prairie in Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Painting of the Rise of Chicago in Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Illinois Firefighter Memorial (1999) by Neil Broden at State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Illinois Very Special Mosaic Mural (1985) created by several community schools at State Capitol. Springfield, IL. |
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Illinois Very Special Mosaic Mural detail at Illinois State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Illinois State Library opposite Capitol. Springfield, IL. |