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Chicago Museum of Science & Industry (former Fine Arts Building for World's Columbian Exposition of 1893) over adjacent lake. Chicago, IL. | Chicago Museum of Science & Industry (1893) (5700 South Lake Shore Drive) built as Fine Arts Building for & is only remaining structure from World's Columbian Exposition of 1893. Chicago, IL. Style: Beaux-Arts. Architect: Charles B. Atwood + Graham, Anderson Probst & White + Shaw, Naess & Murphy. | Pediment detail of Museum of Science & Industry, for which original plaster exterior was replicated in stone (1929-33). Chicago, IL. | Caryatids on south side of Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. |
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German submarine U-505 captured by USS Chatelain on June 4, 1944, at Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. On National Register. | Structure built to house U-505 at Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. | Bow torpedo tubes of U-505 at Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. | Conning tower of U-505 at Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. |
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Deck guns of U-505 at Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. | Propellers & rudders of U-505 at Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. | Stern of U-505 at Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. | Stuka 87B-2Trop German dive bomber from WW II at Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. |
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British Spitfire Mark 1A fighter (1940) at Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. | British Spitfire & German Stuka hanging in atrium of Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. | Curtis Jenny biplane at Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. | Boeing 40B-2 Air Mail Plane (1927) at Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. |
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Travel Air Mystery Ship NR1313 (Texaco No.13) which set numerous city-to-city speed records in the 1930s at Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. | Coast Guard Sikorsky HH52A Sea Guard Helicopter 1459 at Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. | Concord Coach at Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. | Painting of men with horses on side of Concord Coach at Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. |
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Conestoga wagon at Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. | Empire State Express locomotive 999 which in 1893 set a world speed record of 112.5 mph at Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. | First diesel-electric streamlined train, named the Zephyr, was designed by Holabird & Root (exterior) + Paul Phillipe Cret (interior) & built (1934) for the Chicago Burlington & Quincy Railroad at Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. | Zephyr at Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. |
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Front end of Burlington Route Zephyr at Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. | Streamlined shovelnose shape of Zephyr at Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. | Bare aluminum skin of rear end of Zephyr train at Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. | Spirit of America & Craig Breedlove in 1963 set the world land speed record of 468.72 mph at Utah's Bonneville Salt Flats now in Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. |
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Spirit of America which in 1964 again hit a world land speed record of 600 mph at Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. | Model railroad at Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. | Model railroad circulates through model Chicago at Museum of Science & Industry. Chicago, IL. |