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Frank Lloyd Wright Home & Studio (1889) (951 Chicago Ave.). Oak Park, IL. Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright. On National Register. | Studio entrance of Frank Lloyd Wright home. Oak Park, IL. | Wall hides entrance of Wright's studio, a common Wright design technique. Oak Park, IL. | Frank Lloyd Wright Architect stone sign carving on studio. Oak Park, IL. |
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F.L. Wright's studio entrance flanked by series of stork carvings. Oak Park, IL. | Storks carved on columns of Wright's studio entrance. Oak Park, IL. | Stylized blueprint of heritage ruin between storks on columns of F.L. Wright's studio entrance. Oak Park, IL. | Octagonal section of F.L. Wright's home, a shaped he used freely early in his career. Oak Park, IL. |
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Statue of oriental woman at F.L. Wright's Oak Park home. Oak Park, IL. | Shingled gable & leaded glass windows of F.L. Wright's home. Oak Park, IL. |