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Hoyt Sherman Place. Des Moines, IA. | Entrance to Hoyt Sherman mansion (1877) built by the youngest brother of Civil War General William Tecumseh Sherman. Des Moines, IA. On National Register. | Details of facade of Hoyt Sherman Place. Des Moines, IA. | Entry hall of Hoyt Sherman Mansion. Des Moines, IA. |
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Arched door of Hoyt Sherman Mansion. Des Moines, IA. | Corner table of Hoyt Sherman Mansion. Des Moines, IA. | Fireplace of Hoyt Sherman Mansion. Des Moines, IA. | Silver coffee & tea service (1856) presented to an executive Chicago & Rock Island Railroad at Hoyt Sherman Place. Des Moines, IA. |
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Painting of Raccoon Forks of the river when Des Moines was a village by J.A. Forgy at Hoyt Sherman Place Museum. Des Moines, IA. | Hoyt Sherman Place Theater. Des Moines, IA. | Ceiling of Hoyt Sherman Place Theater. Des Moines, IA. | Golden grillwork of Hoyt Sherman Place Theater. Des Moines, IA. |
Lobby of Hoyt Sherman Place Theater. Des Moines, IA. |