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Round Dovecote tower (12th or 13thC) of Fontenay Abbey. Fontenay, France. | Church (1139-47) of Fontenay Abbey which is second oldest Cistercian community founded by St Bernard (UNESCO). Fontenay, France. Style: Romanesque. | Medieval life of Christ carving from altar of church at Fontenay Abbey. Fontenay, France. | Glazed stone tiles (13thC) in Abbey church at Fontenay Abbey. Fontenay, France. |
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Detail of manger scene on altar carving in Fontenay Abbey church. Fontenay, France. | Medieval tiles in church at Fontenay Abbey. Fontenay, France. | Tomb of Eborard of Norwich in church at Fontenay Abbey. Fontenay, France. | Tomb of Mello d'Époisses & his wife in church at Fontenay Abbey. Fontenay, France. |
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Tomb of knight in church at Fontenay Abbey. Fontenay, France. | Boat hull chestnut ceiling of dormitory (late 15thC) in Fontenay Abbey. Fontenay, France. | Cloister of Fontenay Abbey. Fontenay, France. Style: Romanesque. | Overview of Fontenay Abbey with Dovecote & Abbatial lodge (18th-19thC). Fontenay, France. |
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Galerie Seguin (1850) & "Enfermerie" (16thC) at Fontenay Abbey. Fontenay, France. | Galerie Seguin (1850) & "Enfermerie" (16thC) at Fontenay Abbey. Fontenay, France. | Platane (Platanus x hispanica) (Plain) tree used widely along the roads of France. Fontenay, France. | Bark of Platane (Plain) tree used widely for shade in Europe. Fontenay, France. |
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Medieval cross outside Fontenay Abbey. Fontenay, France. | Bas-relief carving in Persian style (c1150) from Picheny Abbey of crowned bearded man with lion's body in Fontenay Abbey museum. Fontenay, France. |