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Old Florida State Capitol building (1839-1845, redesigned 1900-1902). Tallahassee, FL. Architect: Carry Butt then Frank Pierce Milburn.  | State Capitol Tower (1977) (23 floors). Tallahassee, FL. Architect: Edward Durell Stone.  | Museum of Florida History building (1977). Tallahassee, FL.  | Kleman Plaza with domed area. Tallahassee, FL. |
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Domed entrance to parking levels in Kleman Plaza. Tallahassee, FL. | Challenger Learning Center & Imax theater. Tallahassee, FL. | Tallahassee City Hall from above. Tallahassee, FL. | Tallahassee City Hall curved entrance. Tallahassee, FL. |
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Adams Street semi-mall from above. Tallahassee, FL. | Heritage buildings on Adams Street opposite State Capitol complex. Tallahassee, FL. | Heritage buildings on Jefferson at Adams Street. Tallahassee, FL. | Highpoint Center (1990) (15 floors). Tallahassee, FL. |
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Highpoint Center facade. Tallahassee, FL. | Leon County Courthouse from above (Monroe St.). Tallahassee, FL. | Leon County Courthouse entry columns. Tallahassee, FL. | 215 Monroe Street office building. Tallahassee, FL. |
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Brick building on Monroe Street with tile eagles (c1920s). Tallahassee, FL. | Ceramic eagles & brickwork of building on Monroe Street. Tallahassee, FL. | Flag hangs before building in state capitol complex seen from above. Tallahassee, FL. | Turlington Building (1990) (19 floors). Tallahassee, FL. |
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Museum of Florida History & Law Library of Florida State University. Tallahassee, FL. | Roberts Hall Law Library of Florida State University. Tallahassee, FL. | Wescott Building of Florida State University. Tallahassee, FL. | First Baptist & Trinity United Methodist Churches. Tallahassee, FL. |
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First Baptist Church (108 W College Ave.). Tallahassee, FL. | First Baptist Church steeple. Tallahassee, FL. | Trinity United Methodist Church spire (120 W Park Ave.). Tallahassee, FL. | First Presbyterian Church with Trinity United Methodist Church spire beyond. Tallahassee, FL. |
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Roofline of United States Bankruptcy Courthouse. Tallahassee, FL. | Pediment of United States Bankruptcy Courthouse. Tallahassee, FL. | Cupola & weather vane of United States Bankruptcy Courthouse. Tallahassee, FL. | Historic United States Bankruptcy Courthouse. Tallahassee, FL. Style: Neoclassical. |
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Spanish moss covered oak trees along Park Street. Tallahassee, FL. | Spanish moss covered trees of Park Street. Tallahassee, FL. | Knott House (1843) built by free black George Proctor is now connected with Museum of Florida History. Tallahassee, FL.  | Lewis House (c1845) (316 Park St.). Tallahassee, FL. |
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Lemoyne Art Gallery (125 N. Gadsden St.). Tallahassee, FL. | Running horse titled Energy in Copper (1996) by Roland Hockett in sculpture garden of Lemoyne Art Gallery. Tallahassee, FL. | Bobbing flamingos in craft shop of Lemoyne Art Gallery. Tallahassee, FL. | Green frogs in craft shop of Lemoyne Art Gallery. Tallahassee, FL. |
Pottery & baskets in craft shop of Lemoyne Art Gallery. Tallahassee, FL. |