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Old State House (1814) used by Connecticut legislature until new building opened in 1879. Hartford, CT. Architect: Charles Bulfinch. | Facade of Old State House. Hartford, CT. | Arcade of Old State House. Hartford, CT. | Greek Revival details of Old State House. Hartford, CT. |
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Dome on clock tower of Old State House. Hartford, CT. | Original statue of justice with scales, blindfold & sword (1827) in Old State House after copy place on dome. Hartford, CT. | Staircase of Old State House. Hartford, CT. | Lobby of Old State House. Hartford, CT. |
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Original city council chamber as it was in 1890 after the Old State House building served as city hall. Hartford, CT. | Connecticut State Senate Chamber (1814-90) in Old State House. Hartford, CT. | Table of former Senate chamber in Old State House. Hartford, CT. | Doorways of Old State House. Hartford, CT. |
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Stuffed birds in curiosity cabinet in Old State House. Hartford, CT. | Mounted animal heads reflects Victorian restoration of Old State House. Hartford, CT. | Curiosity cabinet in Old State House. Hartford, CT. |