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Connecticut State Capitol (1878). Hartford, CT. Style: Neo Gothic. Architect: Richard M. Upjohn. | Facade of Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | Ten-sided dome of Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | Dome of Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. |
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Muses on dome of Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | Muses on dome of Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | Cupola details on dome of Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | Details of spire of Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. |
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Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | Facade of Connecticut State Capitol with state heroes. Hartford, CT. | CT citizen Humphreys carved on facade of Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | Gothic facade details of Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. |
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Gothic facade details of Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | Statues of Civil War officers Sedgwick & Terry on facade of Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | Window detail of Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | Gables of Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. |
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Pyramidal roof of Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | Charter oak represented on Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | Dome interior of Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | Dome interior of Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. |
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One of four entrance halls of Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | Statue of Nathan Hale, Revolutionary patriot remembered for quote "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country," when hanged by British in Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | Painted designs on interior balconies of Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | Faucet in lobby of Connecticut State Capitol once used by legislators to fill buckets for their horses. Hartford, CT. |
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Eagle figurehead of USS Connecticut, flagship of Great White Fleet sent on round the world peace mission in 1907 by Teddy Roosevelt in State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | Eagle figurehead of USS Connecticut carved so eagle faces olive branch rather than arrows, symbolic of peace mission in Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | 18-foot plaster model (1878) for statue "Genius of Connecticut" which once topped State Capitol dome but was removed because of structural problems after 1939 hurricane & melted for its bronze in WW II. Hartford, CT. | Painted balconies in skylight wells of Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. |
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Brass chandelier in Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | Stained glass of Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | Speakers podium in Connecticut State Capitol Senate Chamber. Hartford, CT. | Senate speakers chair in State Capitol made from wood of Charter Oak, the tree wherein Connecticut's charter was once hidden to prevent the King's men from revoking the colonies freedoms. Hartford, CT. |
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Senate seat in Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | House of Representatives focal point in Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | House of Representatives in Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | Colorful House ceiling in Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. |
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House chandelier in Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | House of Representatives chamber decoration in Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | Lobby of new Legislative Office Building beside State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | Lobby of new Legislative Office Building beside State Capitol. Hartford, CT. |
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State Library & Supreme Court Hall opposite Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. | Gold-domed government building opposite Connecticut State Capitol. Hartford, CT. |