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Salk Institute (1965) is celebrated example of modern architecture. La Jolla, CA. Architect: Louis Kahn. | Salk Institute waterfall onto lower patios. La Jolla, CA. | Salk Institute laboratory buildings built for Jonas Salk, discoverer of oral Polio vaccine, in gratitude by March of Dimes foundation. La Jolla, CA. | Salk Institute zig zag structure & water pools. La Jolla, CA. |
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Salk Institute courtyard is bisected by a flowing water channel. La Jolla, CA. | View of Pacific Ocean from Salk Institute. La Jolla, CA. | Salk Institute windows & balconies facing the Pacific Ocean. La Jolla, CA. | Salk Institute bridging structure. La Jolla, CA. |
Salk Institute window & concrete hall. La Jolla, CA. |