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Photograph of meeting of last sections of transcontinental railway builders "The Last Spike" at Promontory, Utah on May 10, 1869 photograph by A.J. Russell at California State Railroad Museum. Sacramento, CA. | Color lithograph of "The Completion of the Pacific Rail Road" after photo by A.J. Russell at California State Railroad Museum. Sacramento, CA. | Painting (1881) of "The Last Spike" by Thomas Hill which added railway executives who had not actually been at the completion ceremonies at California State Railroad Museum. Sacramento, CA. | Detail Thomas Hill's "The Last Spike" showing Leland Stanford with hammer & golden spike at California State Railroad Museum. Sacramento, CA. |
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Idealized "The Last Spike" lithograph at California State Railroad Museum. Sacramento, CA. | When the Last Spike was cast in gold, a copy was made which now rests at California State Railroad Museum while the one used in the ceremony is in possession of Stanford University. Sacramento, CA. | Second gold copy of Last Spike engraved with the names of California Pacific Railroad directors & executives at California State Railroad Museum. Sacramento, CA. | Lithograph of earliest days of railroading on Sacramento Valley Railroad steam locomotive rolling past farm at California State Railroad Museum. Sacramento, CA. |
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State of California Pacific Rail Road Bond certificate (1863) at California State Railroad Museum. Sacramento, CA. | Union Pacific Railway Company engraved invitation to opening of first track section west from Missouri River at California State Railroad Museum. Sacramento, CA. | Solar compass used for railroad surveying work at California State Railroad Museum. Sacramento, CA. |