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Beverly Hills City Hall (1932) (Crescent Dr. at Santa Monica). Beverly Hills, CA. Style: Spanish Renaissance. Architect: William J. Gage.  | Anderton Court (1953) (328 Rodeo Dr.). Beverly Hills, CA. Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright. On National Register.  | Anderton Court with typical Frank Lloyd Wright tower. Beverly Hills, CA.  | Beverly-Wilshire Hotel (1926) (9 floors) (9500 Wilshire Blvd.). Beverly Hills, CA. Architect: Walker & Eisen. On National Register. |
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Facade details of Beverly-Wilshire Hotel. Beverly Hills, CA. | Carved entrance archway of Beverly-Wilshire Hotel. Beverly Hills, CA. | Decorative stone carvings on facade of Beverly-Wilshire Hotel. Beverly Hills, CA. | Chandelier in lobby of Beverly-Wilshire Hotel. Beverly Hills, CA. |
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Washington Mutual (originally Home Savings) building (1955) (9245 Wilshire Blvd.). Beverly Hills, CA. | Mosaic mural on Beverly Hills Washington Mutual building (1955) by Millard Sheets. Beverly Hills, CA. | Statue at entrance of Beverly Hills Washington Mutual building. Beverly Hills, CA. | Wilshire Rexford Plaza (1962) (6 floors) (9301 Wilshire Blvd.). Beverly Hills, CA. |
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California Republic Bank (100 N Crescent Dr. at Wilshire). Beverly Hills, CA. | California Republic Bank (100 N Crescent Dr. at Wilshire). Beverly Hills, CA. | Wachovia Bank Beverly Hills (9355 Wilshire Blvd.). Beverly Hills, CA. | Rounded corner of Wachovia Bank Beverly Hills (9355 Wilshire Blvd.). Beverly Hills, CA. |
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California Bank (now Sterling) Building (1929) (7 floors) (9441 Wilshire Blvd.). Beverly Hills, CA. Style: Art Deco. Architect: John Parkinson & Donald B. Parkinson. | Upper floors of Sterling Building. Beverly Hills, CA. | Art Deco detail on Sterling Building. Beverly Hills, CA. | Eagles plus ziggurat & crosshatch patterns on Sterling Building. Beverly Hills, CA. |
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Carved golden eagle on Sterling Building. Beverly Hills, CA. | Residential building (2008) (Wilshire Blvd. at North Beverly St.). Beverly Hills, CA. | Dome on apartment building at corner of Wilshire Blvd. & North Beverly St. Beverly Hills, CA. | Bank of America Building (1961) (8 floors) (9501 Wilshire Blvd.). Beverly Hills, CA. |
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9595 Wilshire Blvd. (1972) (10 floors) + 9601 Wilshire beyond. Beverly Hills, CA. Architect: Langdon Wilson. | Security Pacific Place (now 9665 Wilshire Blvd.) (1969) (10 floors). Beverly Hills, CA. Style: International. Architect: Craig Ellwood Assoc.. | International style wall of 9665 Wilshire Blvd. over red sculpture. Beverly Hills, CA. | 9601 Wilshire Blvd. (1962) (9 floors). Beverly Hills, CA. |
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Beverly Hills style light standard on Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA. | Saks Fifth Avenue (c1937) (9600 Wilshire Blvd.). Beverly Hills, CA. Architect: John Parkinson & Donald B. Parkinson. | Facade of Saks Fifth Avenue. Beverly Hills, CA. | Facade of Saks Fifth Avenue. Beverly Hills, CA. |
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Pacific Wilshire Plaza (1973) (13 floors) (9701 Wilshire Blvd.) (former Manufacturers Bank). Beverly Hills, CA. Architect: DMJM. | Nieman Marcus store (1981) (9700 Wilshire Blvd.). Beverly Hills, CA. Architect: John Carl Warnecke Assoc.. | Bejeweled beetle in Nieman Marcus window display. Beverly Hills, CA. | Bejeweled grasshopper in Nieman Marcus window display. Beverly Hills, CA. |
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Pacific Mercantile Bank (1962) (8 floors) (9720 Wilshire Blvd.) (former Perpetual Savings Bank). Beverly Hills, CA. Architect: Edward D. Stone. | Triangle Center (1964) (10 floors) (9737 Wilshire Blvd.). Beverly Hills, CA. Architect: Sidney H. Eisenstat. | Design Within Reach (1972) (9647 Brighton Way) former Barclay Bank. Beverly Hills, CA. Style: International Style. Architect: Kahn, Kappe & Lotery. | International Style facade of 9647 Brighton Way. Beverly Hills, CA. |
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Modern Beverly Hills shop of former Barclay Bank complex (9631-47 Brighton Way). Beverly Hills, CA. Architect: Kahn, Kappe & Lotery. | Elaborately decorated commercial building (9615 Brighton Way). Beverly Hills, CA. | Spanish-style carvings over door of 9615 Brighton Way commercial building. Beverly Hills, CA. | Good Shepherd Catholic Church (1924) (505 N Bedford Dr.). Beverly Hills, CA. |
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Beverly Hills Presbyterian Church (1924) (505 N Rodeo Dr.). Beverly Hills, CA. | Beverly Hills Sign in Beverly Gardens Park on Santa Monica Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA. | Sculpture of fanciful flowers in Beverly Gardens Park on Santa Monica Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA. | Sculpture The Drummer of stylized rabbit (1989) by Barry Flanagan in Beverly Gardens Park on Santa Monica Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA. |
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Stylized rabbit sculpture The Drummer (1989) by Barry Flanagan in Beverly Gardens Park on Santa Monica Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA. | Beverly Hills United States Post Office (1933) (Santa Monica Blvd. at Canon Dr.). Beverly Hills, CA. Architect: Ralph C. Flewelling + Allison & Allison. On National Register. | Gas Station with formed triangular roof at corner S. Santa Monica Blvd. & Crescent Dr. Beverly Hills, CA. | Former Music Corporation of America building (1940) (9370 Santa Monica Blvd.). Beverly Hills, CA. Architect: Paul R. Williams. |
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Rear of former Music Corporation of America building. Beverly Hills, CA. | Courtyard of former Music Corporation of America building. Beverly Hills, CA. | Bed of cyclamen flowers in Beverly Hills. Beverly Hills, CA. | Beverly Hills apartment building on Crescent Dr. Beverly Hills, CA. |
Beverly Hills condos on Crescent Dr. Beverly Hills, CA. |